File Manager |
Universal Explorer |
Powerful Windows Explorer Replacement, File Manager and Viewer. |
Disk Tool |
Disk Size Manager |
Hard disk space manager, directory size explorer for windows. |
Offline Browser |
BackStreet Browser |
High-speed website download and viewing program. |
RafaBot Downloader |
Large scale web spidering and download robot. |
Link Extractor |
Extract Link |
Extract links or text from any type of file. |
Extract URL |
Extract URL with title, description, keyword meta tag from web. |
Ebook Creator |
WebSiteZip Packer |
Free! Create ebook, convert html file to
exe |
File Viewer |
ClikView |
File Viewer with explorer style interface, view and edit almost any file. |
File Splitter |
JR Split Pro |
Split gigabyte file to fit on CD. |
Screen Ruler |
JR Ruler Pro |
Virtual ruler for computer screen. |
JR Free Tools |
Free Tools |
Free file splitter, virtual screen ruler, directory lister, url generator. |
Web Audit |
Website Cookie Checker |
Website Cookie Checker will help you to audit your site and check what cookies it is going to set. |
Universal Explorer |
shareware |
Powerful Windows Explorer Replacement, File Manager and File Viewer for Power User!
With Universal Explorer, you can manage your files quickly and effectively. Plus, you can VIEW and EDIT almost any file directly in UE without launching the files native application. With a duel tree-flow navigational system, copying, moving, and pasting files can be accomplished in no time. It has a full Archive Manager that allows to create, view, edit, file and text search, convert and extract compressed files using multiple formats and comes fully loaded with a wide range of great utility. An aptly named file management application!
Replace Windows Explorer and several other programs with this all-in-one file manager program |
Disk Size Manager |
shareware |
Disk Size Manager is a powerful hard disk space manager for Windows.
Using Disk Size Manager you can keep track of your hard disks space to ensure its most efficient use. With its 2D/3D pie and bar charts as well as detailed descriptions in words, Disk Size Manager provides you with the complete information about folders and drives you indicate. The information includes folder/drive space (total available, compressed, used by different types of files, etc.) in units of volume (KB, MB, GB) or percents, number of files, cluster sizes of the drives, etc. |
BackStreet Browser |
freeware |
Browse the world wide web offline at high-speed with this
free offline browser!
BackStreet Offline Browser is a high-speed, multi-threading website download and viewing program. By making multiple simultaneous server requests, BackStreet can quickly download entire website or section of a site, and saves all the files in your hard drive, either in their native format, or as a compressed ZIP file and browse offline at your own pace without being connected to the Internet. |
Extract Link |
shareware |
Powerful, highly accurate, fast threaded link extractor utility.
Search and extract (http, ftp, email, news, tel/phone, fax) links or text from any type of file with this powerful, automated link or URL Extractor. It presents results in link, base, domain separately and supports link compare, extraction depth, duplicate link or base removal, domain check list for URL accuracy, etc. This unique link extractor can also search inside archived (ace, arc, arj, bh, cab, jar, lha, rar, tar, zip, etc.) files. |
Extract URL |
shareware |
Extract URL with title, description, keywords meta tag data from entire websites, list of URLs or search engine results. It presents results in url, base, domain, title, description, keyword, date modified, page size, etc. and user can save extracted data in text, excel, html file or CSV text format to import the output in any complex database tool as desire.
WebSiteZip Packer |
freeware |
Free ebook compiler. Turn your HTML pages into standalone applications with WSZ WebCompiler. Ideal for e-books, product catalogs, site demos, manuals, and searchable information distribution. This ebook compiler offers password protection, search, expiration options, etc. To create an EXE file, simply choose the root file and output file location, then press Build. A powerful ebook compiler / generator. Create your own Windows exe file from your HTML files - it is a kind of offline browser or ebook you can distribute.
RafaBot |
shareware |
RafaBot is a high-speed, multi-threading, large scale web spidering robot. An ideal tool for bulk website download. It can download website from a starting URL, search engine results or web dirs and able to follow external links. It can process either a single website or many thousands of websites in one session.
ClikView |
shareware |
A powerful file viewer with explorer style interface. With ClikView, you can VIEW and EDIT almost any file directly without launching the files native application! View and Edit text documents, HTML, a wide range of graphic files, ZIP/Acrhives, programming source code, data files and more. ClikView has full file management functions. It also offers a full Archive Manager to create, view, edit, convert and extract compressed files using multiple formats - ace, arc, arj, bh, cab, jar, lha, rar, tar, zip, etc. |
Email Verifier |
shareware |
The efficient way to verify bad email addresses and invalid domains. Load email or domain lists from CSV and TXT files and the validation process starts with a syntax checking, follows with domain validation, and follows with different dynamic and real time tests to validate a given account. It has complex email address validation algorithms to minimize bounced emails and able to perform several checks against an email address including syntax, dns MX lookup, top level domain name validation, and even mail server validation. |
ListMotor |
shareware |
LisMotor is a powerful and easy to use application for e-mail lists management. ListMotor offers you twelve list management tasks which are: Cleaner, Merger, Remover, Filterer, Keeper, Sampler, Separator, Seeder, Counter, Splitter, Utilities, Automater. The best email list manager - perfect tool for your mailing lists creation, processing and management. It operates with input and output data stored in simple text files, thus ensuring the fastest, most effective and clear results. The amount of data which ListMotor is able to process is limited only by volumes of your hard drives |
JR Split File Pro |
shareware |
Split gigabyte file to fit on CD. This unique file splitter allows you to split a large GB file into CD sized segments and create a standard .bat file to rejoin them. You can explicitly define the size of first segment so that you need less CDs when splitting several GB sized files.
Free Backup |
JR Ruler Pro |
shareware |
Professional version of JR Screen Ruler - a great tool for measuring graphics, web page browser sizes or whatever. It supports Pixels, Inches, Picas, Centimeters measurement and transparency, rotation. It offers more features than standard free version of JR Screen Ruler. |